The Baseline Survey
Getting the lay of the land in terms of customer loyalty. This is perhaps the simplest way to explain the Baseline Survey, which as the name suggests serves as the fundamental point of reference for all loyalty initiatives.

At Loyalty Group, we set great store in ensuring our work is based on a strong foundation of data – and the Baseline Survey is a cornerstone. We always take you, your ambitions, and the strategic reality within which you operate as our starting point when designing a survey. PThis ensures that the data we collect leads to actionable initiatives – and real value for your company.
We tailor our Baseline Survey specifically to your company, and with more than 30 years of experience in the field, we know both where to find the valuable insights and how to avoid the pitfalls.
With a Baseline Survey you can:
- Reduce customer churn
- Boost sales to existing customers
- Cut service costs
- Increase customer acquisition via recommendations
- Make fact-based decisions
- Gain valuable insights to promote new sales
Retain Customers and Boost Revenue
As with most of our services, the ultimate objective of the Baseline Survey is to enable you to retain your customers – and boost your sales. The Baseline Survey maps your customer relations and digs deeper to shed light on the customer experience.
We give you insights into the aspects of the customer experience that influence loyalty – often revealing many unknowables and blind spots in the process. The Baseline Survey provides you with a structured overview of the entire customer experience. This allows you to launch targeted initiatives that can ultimately save resources and boost earnings.
When Customer Surveys Lack Explicit Objectives
There have probably never been as many customer surveys as there are today – but the results don’t really show any increase in insights about the customers. This is because far too many surveys lack explicit objectives and rigorous planning and organization. They are just going through the motions, running perfunctory surveys for the sake of it. The outcome is unusable results that gather dust, and customer time-wasting. Hopefully without them realizing.
Our surveys always start by identifying exactly which insights we’re looking for. This means talking to you to learn what you need to know – and how that needs to be translated into real value for you and your customers.
The next step is to identify every touch point between you and your customers. Then, once we have the full picture, we move on to the technical aspects: target group selection, data capture methods, and questionnaire content. After this comes data collection, analysis, reporting, and finally, recommendations.
Naturally, we’re in regular contact with you every step of the way, and provide guidance on how to communicate effectively with customers and employees – before, during, and after the project.
By the end of the process, you will have actionable data that can be translated into top- and bottom-line growth.
Customer surveys
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